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Native Açaí Original Sorbet + Guaraná | Scooping

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Home     Native Açaí Original Sorbet + Guaraná | Scooping

Native Açaí Original Sorbet + Guaraná | Scooping

Açaí - The Superfood

The açaí is a small berry from the alaizeiro palm, about 1 cm long. It is the fruit with the highest antioxidant content and is rich in omega 6 and 9, vitamins and minerals.

Ideal for: Consumed plain or served in a bowl with fruit, cereals or other ingredients, and also for smoothies and juices.

Packaging: 2 x 2.3 litres

Gluten-freeLactose-free greyNo OMGVegan

Brand: Native Foods

Frozen product
SKU: F2-N4600A Category: Étiquette :
en_GBEnglish (UK)